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김윤수 Kim, Yun-su


  • (Feb. 2016) Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National Univ.
  • (Feb. 2010) B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Seoul National Univ.

Work Experience

  • (Sep. 2024 ~ Present) Professor / GIST
  • (Feb. 2024 ~ Present) Department Chair / Graduate School of Energy Convergence, GIST
  • (Sep. 2021 ~ Aug. 2024) Associate Professor / GIST
  • (Aug. 2023 ~ Feb. 2024) Fulbright Visiting Scholar / School of Law at University of Hawai'i at Manoa
  • (Jan. 2018 ~ Aug. 2021) Assistant Professor / GIST
  • (Dec. 2015 ~ Dec. 2017) Senior Researcher / KERI

Professional Activities

  • (2024 ~) Advisor / Session Advisory Group 6 (Customers, Regulation, DSO Business and Risk Management) - CIRED
  • (2023 ~ ) Associate Editor / IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
  • (2023 ~ ) Advisor / Advisory Group of Hydro and Pumped Storage Power - KHNP
  • (2022 ~ ) Member / Working Group C6.45 "The Impact of Distributed Energy Resources on the Resilience of Distribution Networks" - CIGRE
  • (2022 ~ ) Member / "10th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand" DSM WG - MOTIE
  • (2021 ~ ) Senior Member / IEEE
  • (2021 ~ ) Member / "Real-time Power Market Research" Committee - MOTIE, KPX
  • (2021) Topic Editor / Energies "Smart grids and microgrids Section" - MDPI
  • (2021 ~ ) Editor / KSNRE
  • (2020 ~ ) Member / Working Group on "Machine Learning for Power Systems" - IEEE
  • (2020) Invited Lecturer / mySUNI - SK Group
  • (2019 ~ 2023) Guest Editor / Energies Special Issue - MDPI
  • (2019) Consultant / "Management Evaluation Index Development" Committee - KEPCO
  • (2019) Editorial Director / KIEE (Society A)
  • (2018~2020) Director / KSNRE

Honors & Awards

  • (2023-2024) Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award
  • (2023) Outstanding Paper Award / The 54th KIEE Summer Conference 2023
  • (2023) Appreciation Plaque - Contribution to Financial Stability / GIST
  • (2021) Achievement Award / Graduate School of Energy Convergence, GIST
  • (2018) Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing / Renewable Energy, Elsevier
  • (2012) Outstanding Paper Award / KIEE Spring Conference 2012
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